Monday, 23 May 2011

Agastya International Foundation Hubli

It is creative, knowledge and learning foundation.  Children are managing natural resources. That foundation staff gather the community members, aware about science, and then they promote their children. There is imperial learning also happen. There is science based learning is happen, many more research learning they were open, and also Mobil lab is major program. They worked under Govt of India. They are giving training to related science, leadership, computer skills, and to bring them science and technology. Its main body is in Bangalore and campus in Hubli.

The Teacher Foundation

It teaches learning schools, and its run by Sharadha trust. They are conducting Teachers training sessions, group discussion, time management and discipline, and this training is going on three month. They are visiting schools and observe the schools. They teach to the students, they make students groups in class, black board activity based teaches and to empower teachers. Totally they are indirectly train students through the teachers.

Rapid NGO

It is one of the women empowerment NGO. It is started in 2001 and its founder is a Vijay Kulakarni. It is served the women distress situation, handicap, harassment women. And also it is doing the emotional counseling, skill development training, employment, self employment training, and scholarship to their children. Totally it rehabilitates women in distress. They are doing culture, economic, and emotional counseling. They will teach marketing skill, handicraft, fashion, and computer training.

Bhoraka charitable Thrust

                  Jyanjyoti School is one of the HIV parents children school. They are teaching life skill, computer education, maths, science, and stage courage. They build children capacity. And its focus on the sex worker children and back word community people children. They are giving good environment, nutrition food, and hygiene for each child. After the class they should get food, breakfast, and they are play there only. Totally they avoid whoever stigmatizes and discrimination. Their objective is to avoid a home environment. They are conducting parents meeting. Weekly they will arrange the guest speaker session and dancing class.

Guest speaker session Sanjukulkarani

                    Balabalaga is one of the school. This school in Dharwad. Education is a process of bringing a personality. During the primarily stage it was started creative education. It is a balaga of children. The school started as a school only 3 children. At the end year children number become 12.Know that school 300 children. They have own campus. Know there 1-10 classes started. Their main objective is a to make education as joyful, creative, and experiential as possible. This school is a activate oriented. Medium of instruction. child of learn as much as their mother tongue. In that school per class 30 students.They don't have uniform, they address their teacher's Sir/Madam. Teachers are very close with students. They are lots of environment and culture related activities. Every year they have children festival and sports. Children have all opportunities and no bakery item allowed in school. Agastya Foundation is helping very big for Baal Balaga. That school children have equal opportunities in school, not gender discrimination. These all are a experiment in creativity.            

Guest speaker

Guest speaker class; his name is a Hemal Desai. He is a Chief operating Officer of Mayor Hotel, earlier time he was a Co- Coordinator of Mayor hotel, and also he working with a safe -hand. Mayor hotel is a service oriented industry. It is giving all services for example-hotel, banking, railways. Totally it is providing hospitality to the guest and customer.
                          It is one of the employee largest industries. A Mayor hotel keeps growing and also its services growing. He told you should understand first customer or employee then you should work with them. If we want to sell anything first we sell ourselves is very important. And I learned about the 80-20 rule. It is an 80 of our business is coming from our clients.
                          Whatever our business move that time people communication is very important. If we create one small mistakes, that will create lots of problem. When we are working in business that time we should have enthusiasm and energy also very important. During our business interest and learn is very important, if we didn’t have any interest and hunger of learn, we didn’t success in our business. Whatever we did, that time we should correct it. Word of mouth means to saying by mouth.
                            Sir told one small story, in that story I learned about “if we do good, good will come to us, if you do bad, bad will come to us”. 
                            Totally I learned about how to communicate with customer and guest. And during the work energy and enthusiasm is very important.

Critical thinking and innovation

Mode of thinking which encourages the development of skills that make a person self relevant and independent. Importance of critical thinking- our involvement in life, our perception of the human experience is influenced by our thinking, it evaluates our own thoughts in disciplined way. Whenever we faced problems that time two minutes silent mediation. Critical thinking is a evidence behind thinking.

Entrepreurial activites

                         During the entrepreneurial activity I learned about bargaining the material, and how to convince the people and marketing skill. 

Leadership activity

I did two leadership activities and two follower activities, at that time I learned about how to communicate with people, how to mobilizing the people and also I learned how to handled the people and children. And here I got good experience.    

Entrepreuerial Motivation and Theory

                     Entrepreneurial work is independent. Two types of  motivator in the world. Internally motivator strongly believe them self, they are very strong. And externally motivator have low self confident. Four types of motivation: power motivation,affiliation motivation, achievement motivation, and extension motivation. Entrepreneurial daily not want same, they want change. Two types of locus of control, external locus of control and internal locus of control.
  • External locus of control: This kind of people don't change their position, they not take responsibility, and they blame others.
  • Internal locus of control: They are quick innovative, high self confident, they looks opportunities, and some time they have over confident, they don't blame others, and they are believe them self. 


During education module I learned about department of education. For example- Department of Public Instruction, Department of women and child development. At present higher education minister is an Mr.Ramdas and primary education minister is a Kageri.  I learned about which Universities in state level, central level, Open University, and deemed university.
                  And I learned about Innovation in education. Innovation is within the system, innovation done by department of education, innovation done by outsider, and innovation takes place outsider. Threeth School is having a Nali-kali. Now it is improved because of teacher effort.  Nali Kali is only applying 1-3 Stranded students and 4-7 stranded is a Kali Nali. First it is started in Hegandevankhotti. During 1999-2000 it distributed 6 districts. For example- Dhavangeri, Tumakur, Belgaum, and UttarKannada. Nali Kali means Children related training centre, it include self learning, happy learning, and self speed learning. Nali Kali is learning without Burdon, learning letters in the group, while mastering complete 49 alphabets, simple and clear and clear learning in 2 stranded, and teachers feel, Nali Kali increase their work load.    


                           Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well being and not merely absence of disease. Public health means to identify the community need, to identify community problem, and how will solve it. And global health means the science and art of protecting and improving the health of global through education, promotion of healthy life style, and prevention of the diseases. Major global health actors like- WHO, International Health Central Organisation, read-cross, and world bank.  


             Agriculture is not only field, it related to animal husbandry. Sustainable agriculture is that kind of agriculture which deals with conservation, development, and proper utilization of natural resources, to meet the present and future needs.Natural resource are the soil, water, and bio-diversity. I learned about farmer field school. It is season long process, it is running on without wall, and it solve the farmers problems. It stared in 1989. Women and men farmers involved this school. During the this module we played game experiment, this game I learned whatever we do there our own experiment is very important, than only we become perfect. Agriculture Eco-System Analysis have three methods, those all like these- observation, analysis, and decision making.


                  RTI passed and implemented in 2005. RTI means within 45 days we get information, it is big weapon, it control the corruption, and RTI is intended to bring about more transparent and ethical decision making. Government means nothing but system given by a set of rules and regulation.Information means any material in any form, and it is including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, logbooks, and reports.
Sue- moto means "on its own motion". And I learned how to write application to the public information officer.Information seeker is a people. First appeals is a "head of the department" and second appeal is a " information commission".
                 During the RTI rally I learned how to convince villagers and how to fill application. This is good experience for me, because I and my co-fellow did the skit, and we did the fund-raising activity.   

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Effective Communication

             Effective communication is very important for the social entrepreneur. Communication is  a process of sharing ideas, feelings, and thoughts. Under the communication two types, written communication and verbal communication. And also I learned three types of communication people in our society, those all are a passive communication,aggressive communication, and assertive communication.
  • Passive communication : Whoever have this communication. They are failing to their feelings their honest feelings, they have feeling, but they didn't express. They have control anger so many days and they avoid conflicts.
  • Aggressive communication: Whoever have this communication, they are very dominate people, whatever they say that's right, their relationship is weaker.
  • Assertive communication: These people are win to win kind of situation. They understand each and every one. They listen other word. 

Village stay

                 During the village stay I learned about to understood village people, to worked with them, understood village people problems, understood villagers opportunity, and  how to applied PRA tools in village. I learned about these all things. And also I learned  about how to communication with villagers, to mobilizing people, patience, adjusting with their environment, time maintains, and to understood their culture.
                   This village study is good experience for me. Our group organized people, and facilitate them, I handled all people. I build relationship with them and I identify of the real problem of people. I am first lived in another house. There I adjust with them.


    During the PRA session  I leaned about PRA is a methodology to find out problems and opportunity in rural area, implement, and design it. How to  working with people. Steps of the PRA. Mapping of the PRA. Under the PRA tools mapping, seasonality studies, transects walk, Venn diagram, and time line. PRA is very important, because it develop a local perspective, to understand village environment basis of villages criteria, it develop rapport with villagers, and it help to understand real problem of the villagers. And  I learned about felt need and un felt need. Whatever we need that is felt need and those needs we don't want that is unfelt need. During the PRA module I participated in skit. My experience was group work and making charts and presentation.